Why authors might choose to work with a publisher instead of publishing themselves

Why you might prefer to publish with another company instead of do it yourself.

There are a lot of blog, newsletter, training and podcast information telling the good news about current publishing opportunities. Most tout the benefits of putting your own book on Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP). It is a great resource, but contrary to the popular discussion, it’s not the only option.

It seems most information coming out seems to publisher shame anyone who does not “do it yourself”. It’s as if the expectation is to self publish and anyone who does not, is a publishing pariah. There are so many published articles describing benefits to putting your own content out though KDP, heck, even I do it. Most build entire businesses around the KDP instruction or consulting opportunities.

However, I’m more concerned with the author who just wants to write and publish their books without the hassle of the publishing business. The author who wants an outlet to make their book available so they can go to the next project, or just happily communicate their message.

Let’s face it, when you delve into the publishing world, emphasis becomes more on marketing, making money, chasing book reviews and sales, and less on writing. Many authors who want to focus on writing, can partner with a publisher who can assist with the marketing. Part of the formula is partnering with the right niche publisher.

For new and potential authors, publishing has change so much. I remember in the 90s and early 2000s when I was trying to publish my first book, a novel, I had to rely on traditional publishing companies to do so. I have binders of rejection letters for my efforts. Then later I did a study for my master’s degree where I asked the question to many authors about whether authors should self-publish or go with a traditional publisher. That was a very sensitive target for at that time as those traditionally published were elevated while self-published authors were not as well received.

Now things have almost flip flopped where there is so much pressure to self-publish a book even if that’s not something that you want to do. If you just want to write books without worrying about format, keywords, begging for reviews, selecting 20 categories and on and on, I recommend finding a good publisher.

Here\’s what I mean. I love the business of publishing as well as writing. I formed my company to sell my security books and have carved out a successful niche. I also have other authors who publish with me. I’ve fallen into the hype and tried to convince them to take their own books to KDP. However, I soon realized, that is not a solution for everyone, and it should be the exception and not the expectation. I now gladly publish other’s books and have several happy authors on my team.

So, as far as the question of whether you should self-publish; yes, if you want to develop a book-based business. Answer no, if you want to just write and let others who can, assist you with their resources.

Hear my podcast, Book Based Business Incubator for more discussion of this topic.

See our upcoming book,

If you need assistance with book ideas or business ideas, check out book based business incubator or The Side Job Tool Box for more publishing and writing topics.

If you need assistance with book ideas or business ideas, check out book based business incubator or our book Get Rich in a Niche.

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