Quick money making tip for authors

If you\’ve been following this newsletter and our podcast for long, you might recognize our mantra of the importance of marketing through blogs, newsletters and podcasts that are based on your book. Continuously putting out relevant content brings potential customers to you.

As your subscriber base grows and once you become successful at your content media, you may be able to earn money by hosting sponsors. How you may ask, by simply asking.

I once bought a book about making money through blogging. The book recommended getting sponsors. I soon began to wonder why I wasn\’t doing that and immediately started asking for sponsors. My first sponsor paid me $50 advertise for a year on my blog. That my friends, paid for the book I bought.

Having a taste for success (a small success as it was), made me desire to do more. I continued to demonstrate value and ask for more sponsors. Now I earn thousands per year in sponsorship for my security newsletter podcast.

Here\’s another successful idea. Because I am recognized in the industry, I get a lot of email from security businesses trying to sell me their security solutions. However, I am not a consumer of those services.

Instead of deleting the emails, I do respond with a nice email that I am not able to purchase their products and services. I go on to explain that I have their potential customers subscribing to my newsletters and podcasts. Believe it or not, it worked. Now I am partnered with even more amazing sponsors.

What ideas are you trying?

There is a lot you can do with your writing. If you need assistance with book ideas or business ideas, check out book based business incubator or our book Get Rich in a Niche.

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