Good Book Plus Good Marketing

Build Trust-Build a Platform

Just because your book is the only one available, it doesn’t mean people will buy it. No matter how hot the topic, you’ve still got to do the marketing of not only the book, but of yourself as the expert. Even if you have an incredible book, it will fail without the proper marketing.

Think of all the books you’ve read. Perhaps you’ve read some obscure books that you thought were incredible. You tell your friends about the reading experience and they give you a shrug; they’ve never heard of the book and therefore lack your passion. Somehow someone wrote a great book and it fell into your hands by accident.

Now, think of another situation where you’ve read a bestselling book. Advertising, word of mouth, reviews, and great marketing let you know it was available. You may have had an incredible desire to own the book. You finally receive the book and, with anticipation, you devour it. You find it is a good book, but perhaps not any better than the obscure book you had earlier fallen in love with.

The difference: good book plus good marketing equals terrific book sales. Good book plus bad marketing equals no sales. The message? Marketing is the single most impacting event determining a book’s sales. Just writing a good book is not enough. Your customers will buy what they have a burning desire to own. Create a great product and an incredible marketing plan. Writing and publishing a book is financially inexpensive as some incredible and proven marketing techniques that I’ve used and recommend are free.

Some of you have other writing talents. At any rate, find the work you love, while helping someone else deliver a great product. There is a lot you can do with your writing. If you need assistance with book ideas or business ideas, check out book based business incubator or our book Get Rich in a Niche.

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